But no more. Because today I am an actual winner. And here is what I have won:
I know, right? If there were three words to perfectly describe me these are definitely them. I'm not just sweet, I'm irresistibly sweet. People can not resist my powers of sweetness.
And versatile? Oh my goodness. You should see the many ways I can do stuff with things!
Many thanks go out to Jill, who nominated me for this award (which I am not sure is two or one. Is every one who is irresistibly sweet also versatile? Are they two gifts that always go together? You can't be sweet wtihout being versatile? And vice versa?), and who has a blog here: http://meoutsidethelines.blogspot.com/ that totally makes me LOL and often has me ROFLing.
Many thanks also go to the people who know me personally and will not be commenting on this blog about how I am actually more resistibly sarcasctic than irresisitibly sweet in real life.
As a recipient of this award I am now required to do the following:
1. Thank and link to the person who nominated me. -check
2. Share 7 random facts about myself. -will do
3. Pass the award to 5 blogger friends -will do
4. Contact and congratulate the nominated blogs. -will do
(I totally just copied and pasted that from Jill, because I could also win the Will Take Shortcuts award).
Here are the 7 random facts about me. Drumroll please:
1. It took years of practice and hard work, but I can touch my nose with my tongue. Impressive, I know.
2. I used to have an irrational fear of the ocean and everything in it. So I learned to scuba dive. Which taught me that 1) there are even more scary things in the ocean than I ever imagined and I still don't want to touch them and 2) I should not be afraid to try new things.
3. I got my driver's license when I was 14. No 14 year old--particularly my 14 year old self--should be allowed to legally operate a two ton killing machine.* But I think I'll go ahead and mine that period of my life for some very entertaining blogposts.
4. I love bacon, pork chops and pork tenderloin, but I will not eat ham. Or Canadian bacon. Those Canadians can not be trusted when it comes to bacon.
5. Band-aids gross me out. If my children choose to bleed, they have to administer to their own wounds.
6. My grandpa invented the tater tot. But I don't really like them..
7. The pride I take in being from Idaho borders on the annoyingness of Texans and their silly "Texas Forever" pride. But I don't ever want to live there again.
Here are my nominees;
1. Becca http://www.beccawilhite.com/blog/
2. Kelly http://diversifiedbeeson.blogspot.com/
3. Kimberly http://www.kimberlymontgomeryblog.com/
4. Kristine http://kristystories.blogspot.com/
5. Angie http://livetowrite1.blogspot.com/
Whew. That took a little bit of work. Still, it was pretty nice to win something.
I just hope it doesn't happen again anytime soon.
Unless it involves a giant check and Ed McMahon.
But, I think he may be dead. I should probably go Google that now.
* Two ton killing machine was an actual description used in one of the Driver's Ed films I was forced to watch. There's very little else I remember from that 12 week course. Except for the screams of my fellow instructees coming from the backseat of the car when I drove.