You know what's better than leprechaun traps?
Well, pretty much anything, but particularly books. Especially when they come with parties.
Like the one I had last weekend for my friend, LDS author Melanie Jacobson. That's right, I know her. Jealous? Well just wait until you see the pics from the book launch party I threw her:
Look at all these yummy eats! |
See all these cute birdie sugar cookies? I made them. Look at the next picture to see why. |
See all those books? You couldn't by the end of the night. : |
Since I couldn't invite all of you to the party, I'm giving you a chance to win one of Melanie's books as part of this blog hop thing-a-ma-jigger I'm doing.
This thing:
The rules for entry are pretty simple. The first one is to leave a comment for one chance to win.
The second is a little trickier (but, really, not much). Since this is a leprechaun giveaway (though you don't actually get a leprechaun) I'm throwing in a little leprechaun challenge.
Remember the leprechaun trap my Girl 3 had to build? Well, after a frantic text to my friend Carrie asking her if she had any fake gold (because I knew she would. If only she had answered my text sooner) and then a last minute trip to Target--which has an astonishing lack of St. Patrick's Day celebratory crap--and then to Party City, we were able to round up some supplies for the trap.
That's after I had to dig through old scrap booking supplies to find green paper and then brave the smells and killer dust bunnies under Girl 1's bed to retrieve a shoe box which I must have been inspired by St. Patrick himself to find. Girl 3 didn't have to do too much searching to find green paint to use for covering the box. Although the garage floor ended up a lot greener than the box did.
She came up with the idea of a trap door that the leprechaun would fall through as he ran for the pile of "gold" (Rolos and those candy coins) at one end of the box. An idea-- Girl 1 was kind enough to point out-- that "totally copied" the one she did in first grade. She also helped by using the words "copy cat" and "little brat."
Dad implemented Girl 3's idea by cutting a whole in the top of the box. Which made it less of a secret "trap door" and more of a very noticeable hole. But he also covered the box in the green paper I really didn't want to cut out and glue, so I'm not complaining. I did do all the glue gunning of the candy to the top of the box however.
Then Girl 3 decorated the box with pictures she drew of leprechauns and their houses. And also sugarplum fairies. There's really only so much you can do with leprechauns before you've got to throw in some other holiday figures.
Girl 1's helpfulness continued the next morning when she drew fangs on the fairy and the leprechauns and then decided to eat some of the "gold." Which meant some frantic last minute re-glue gunning for me and then some more gluing for the teacher when Girl 3 didn't even make it out of the car before all the candy came off.
Anywho, all that is just a long way for me to tell you how you can be entered five, yes FIVE, times into the contest.
Along with your comment, leave your guess as to which of these leprechaun traps is Girl 3's
#1 |
# 2 |
# 3 |
# 4 |
1) Leave a comment for one entry
2) Guess which box is Girl 3's for four more entries (I'll give you another hint: it's not going on Pinterest).
BUT! That's not all folks!
If you become a follower of my blog today I'll enter your name one more time!
That's a grand total of six entries for the low low price of guessing, typing, and clicking!
The contest runs from March 17 - 22, so don't wait. You don't want to miss this opportunity to win a fantastic book AND to read more exciting blog posts about other "fun" holiday homework assignments!
Enter Now!